Dwarka Tample 360 Degree View See Now 2023

Dwarka Tample 360 Degree View See Now 2023

Dwarka Tample 360 Degree View

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Dwarka is believed to have been the first capital of Gujarat. The city's name literally means the “gateway to heaven” in Sanskrit, as Dwar means “gate” and ka references “Brahma”. Dwarka has also been referred to throughout its history as “Mokshapuri”, “Dwarkamati”, and “Dwarkavati”.

Dwarka has the Dwarkadhish Temple dedicated to Lord Krishna, which is one of four sacred Hindu pilgrimage sites called the Chardham, which were founded by Adi Shankaracharya (686–717 AD) at the four corners of the country, was established as a monastic center and it forms part of the Dwarka temple complex.[1][2] Dwarka is also one of the seven-most-ancient religious cities (Sapta Puri) in India.

Dwarka is part of the "Krishna pilgrimage circuit" which includes Vrindavan, Mathura, Barsana, Gokul, Govardhan, Kurukshetra and Puri.[3] It's one of 12 heritage cities across the country selected under the Heritage City Development and Augmentation Yojana (HRIDAY) scheme of the Government of India to develop civic infrastructure.[4]

The city has a hot, arid climate with a 16-day rainy season. It had a population of 38,873 in 2011. The main festival of [Janmashtami] is celebrated in Bhadrapada (August–September).

Dwarka Front View - click here

Dwarka River Side View - click here

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